The two best times to fish: when it’s raining, and when it ain’t.
– Patrick F McManus
I used to fish and hunt over 175 days a year.
When I first got my driver’s license, I wore a pathway in-between my house and a local pier located on Lake Michigan. One summer, I think there were only two or three days that I missed going out there. Worked all day, fished all evening. That probably kept me out of a lot of trouble. During my college years, I got to explore new spots, notably the famed Michigan Upper Peninsula’s rivers and lakes. Met my wife. Got married. Moved down to Virginia Beach. Got a really good job as an art director, and it financed our weekend trips down to North Carolina’s Outer Banks (OBX), where I fell in love with saltwater surf fishing.
Once we moved back to the mitten state, the kids started coming. Three times we flipped that coin. Three times it came up girls. My wife started her own business. I started my own business. Funny how you can easily work 60 hours a week yourself, just so you don’t have to work 40 for someone else.
The good Lord blessed me and my wife 3 beautiful teenage daughters. Each one is a unique individual with vastly different passions, which is great. All three are very involved in extracurricular activities. School and Church based activities. Family gatherings. And sports…oh, so many sports. There is a good chance that right now, I am on my way to, already watching, or on my way back from a sporting event. Or a band concert. So my free time is very limited. My fishing time, almost nonexistent.
So my advice on when the best time to go fishing is?
March 9th, 2020