I social distanced long before social distancing was cool.
I must admit, the past few months have been frustrating to say the least.
While the idea of “socially distancing” has proven to be yet another failed policy of the useless bureaucrats in D.C., I have found it to be proof positive that I was leading the way.
As a naturally quiet and reserved person, I don’t much care to be in crowded situations. Maybe that’s why I go way out of my way to find places that most people won’t venture to. I’ve walked a mile down a crowded beach to surf fish away from swimmers. I’ve climbed up and down hills and through thickets to get to places where deer aren’t used to seeing bipedal predators. In public, I like to shop late at night at the local big box mart so there are less people for me to deal with. I know that during this so-called pandemic that people’s health, especially mental health, is stretched thin.
The artist observing the social distancing standards while hunting a cornfield.

Most people need social interaction, but I’m afraid these past few years will hurt our younger members of society. For the ones that are allowed out of their homes, they will be way behind on their social skills. For many, fear will keep them in hiding. The number of future germophobes that has been created will be staggering. So, social distance if it makes you feel safer. I just found out, I’ve been doing it for a long time. Usually 25ft up in a tree.
Nov 12th, 2020