White Lake Fire Authority Mural

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I was very honored and excited to be contacted about creating the mural for a brand new fire house. The initial meeting with fire chief Pete McCarthy promptly set the direction of the mural in motion. When the historic Michillinda Beach Lodge caught fire, a photographer captured an iconic image of the American flag still  waving in front of White Lake Fire Authority  firefighters as they battled the blaze. This photo found its way into news outlets and magazine stories. McCarthy wanted this scene incorporated into half the mural, with the other half to pay homage to the firefighters from previous generations. The sketch at the bottom of this page was the first rendition that Brian created. A few minor changes were made to fit around some building fixtures, but for the most part remained unchanged.

[vc_message icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-link”]BLOG POST: START OF A MURAL[/vc_message]
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Initial Firehouse Mural Sketch